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“Plants over Pills”

Em agosto de 2017 Sheriann Baker foi diagnosticada com um tumor no cérebro. Deram-lhe 10 anos de vida caso fizesse os tratamentos aconselhados pelos médicos. Se ela não quisesse seguir as orientações médicas, a média de vida passaria a dois anos. Sheriann, canadiana a viver agora em Toronto, decidiu que não queria passar os seus anos de vida a sofrer, a sentir-se nauseada, sem cabelo (algo que a própria diz que a incomodaria muito) e enfiada em casa ou no hospital.

Plants over Pills-canada-mileniostadium
Sheriann Baker. Photo: DR

Decidiu arregaçar as mangas e pesquisar sobre um óleo de cannabis que um amigo próximo tinha usado para curar um cancro nos pulmões. Acontece que Sheriann passou por uma intervenção cirúrgica para remover o máximo possível do tumor no cérebro, que tinha o tamanho de uma bola de golfe – ela ficou com ainda 3% do cancro. Mas Sheriann, com o conhecimento dos médicos, já andava a tomar o óleo convicta que a iria ajudar nesta cura e assim continuou. A verdade é que a sua recuperação foi uma surpresa para todos – três meses depois da operação, Sheriann fez um MRI e esses 3% tinham, de facto, desaparecido.

Estamos em 2021 e Sheriann é uma sobrevivente de um cancro considerado terminal, usando como tratamento um óleo de cannabis e uma alimentação cuidada.

Nesta edição do jornal Milénio Stadium tivemos a oportunidade de conversar com ela e conhecer a sua história – a qual partilha, com grande orgulho e até com um certo espírito de missão, nas suas redes sociais. Sheriann acredita que a sua experiência pode e deve servir como exemplo de esperança.

Milénio Stadium: Back in 2017 you were diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Doctors warned you would have 10 years to live with treatment or two without it. We’re in 2021 and you’re tumor free, with no chemo and no radiation. What made you decide not to go that path of medicine?

Sheriann Baker: I decided against chemotherapy and radiation because with a diagnosis of only having 10 years to live at most I chose not to spend a year without hair, eyebrows, sores in my mouth, feeling nauseous and not being able to leave my house. It just didn’t make any sense to me to do all of this so I can be stuck home hiding and not living when I should be!

MS: How did doctors respond to your decision?

SB: When I told my family doctor that I was going to refuse chemotherapy and radiation he tried to convince me that hair grows back and that I was wasting my money and time using Rick Simpson Oil. I kindly responded to him that I loved my hair and that I wasn’t going to lose it and I wasn’t going to live the last of my life in pain and feeling awful. I also told him I was not asking his permission. I told him I did my research and that I was convinced Rick Simpson Oil was going to kill my tumor and that I would see him in January 2018 to tell me I was tumor free.

MS: When did you decide to start your treatment with cannabis oil?

SB: I started taking a gram to two grams a day of Rick Simpson Oil just days after I found out I had brain cancer. My goal was to get two  ounces of Rick Simpson Oil into me before brain surgery on October 3, 2017. My tumor was the size of a golf ball. My doctors have no idea how long it’s been there, but I have been complaining of severe migraines since I was six. No doctor ever thought about doing an MRI on my brain.

MS: After going through such a complex situation, I assume you felt some anxiety and even fear. Do you believe that the cannabis treatment also helped you cope during this time?

SB: I actually didn’t feel any fear or anxiety about my diagnoses. Deep down inside I knew I hadn’t had a stroke like the doctors told me. I knew I had brain cancer and even told my husband the night before I found out about my diagnoses to be prepared. He told me not to be stupid, so I was not shocked at all when I heard the words “you have brain cancer” come from my Neurologist that day. I found myself assuring my Neurologist and my husband at the time that I was going to beat this. I honestly have never cried about having brain cancer. I believe having brain cancer is just a part of my journey in this life and you can learn to accept it and live your life with it or you can give up. I am not giving up! Many people use Rick Simpson Oil to help with anxiety and/or depression so yes I do believe it helped in my recovery both mentally and physically. The day after brain surgery I could actually hear my brain growing back together. I was released from Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Alberta, 26 hours after my 6.5 hour brain surgery! The nurses were shocked to see how well I was doing. I just kept telling them it was the Rick Simpson Oil because I truly believe cannabis helped tremendously in my recovery! I was in the gym in a week and back to living a normal life in two weeks.

MS: After being successful with your treatment, you have taken on a life mission to pass on the message to others, letting them know this could be a form of cancer treatment. How has your stance on cannabis as a form of medical treatment been received by the public?

SB: My stance on cannabis as a form of medical treatment has been received amazingly by everyone including my family, my doctors, media, doctors in general, musicians (Peter Frampton & Vicky Cornell have reached out), politicians, celebrities (Coach Mike Bayer has reached out), etc. It’s been amazing how many people have reached out and how many have supported me over the last three years. Last year pre-covid I was asked to speak at the Tumor & Neurologist Conference in Toronto about Alternative Methods to fight cancer. It didn’t happen because of covid but it was an honor to be asked to speak! It means people are listening! My biggest supporters are the cannabis community. If it wasn’t for them I am not sure if I would still be here. Every three months I go on social media and I ask for donations of Rick Simpson Oil and the cannabis community never lets me down.

MS: There is a stigma associated with cannabis, both on the part of doctors and the general population. Do you think there is still a long way to go or are we now closer to crossing that barrier?

SB: I believe there used to be a stigma about using cannabis, but I don’t think there still is in Canada. There is just too much proof out there showing the public that cannabis can kill cancer and can heal many with depression, anxiety, arthritis and addictions. The best part about cannabis is it is a plant so there are no side effects like pills! From my experience I believe we are crossing that barrier!

Catarina Balça/MS

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